How can I book a tour?
Whenever you see the words 'Stream Now', click on it, and you'll be able to create an account and view your JW Streamed Bible Tour on DBL TV™.
What is the cost?
DBL TV™ is an educational resource. Your payment for these JW Streamed Bible Tours cover the ever increasing operational and production costs. We are a worldwide team of brothers and sisters, your fellow worshipers. Please enjoy our labour of love. (Philippians 4:5; James 3:17)
How do I pay?
You can pay by Credit Card (through our Stripe payment service).
Can I purchase the tour as a gift or purchase a gift card?
Cancellation Policy
How many participants?
These pay-per-view tours are to be enjoyed privately at home. The flat fee covers everyone in your household.
Can we zoom your tours to our private group?
Please email us for further details info@discoverbiblelands.com
How long do I have access to my tour?
72 hours from the time of purchase.
Where do I get the latest information?
Register to our mailing list so we can notify you when new tours are released.
What can you expect?
You will never read your Bible the same way. Wait and see!